To consolidate the Saraswat identity in terms of its historical traditions and native qualities of altruism, patriotism and public spirit; and, to that end, to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood between individual Saraswat Brahmins as well as between the several sects and groups separated by language, distance and allegiance to different Maths or centers of worship.
To generate an awareness of the impact of the Saraswat way of life on India's culture, economy and polity and to promote a lively image of Saraswats as healthy contributor to national life and advancement.
To understand the compilation of history of Saraswat Brahmins and biographies of eminent Saraswat of historical as well as modern times.
To conduct a periodical Census of all Saraswat Brahmins with a view to a meaningful analysis of their social, economic and cultural conditions and to compile a Saraswat directory and who's who and periodically bring it up to date.
To develop the concept of the Saraswat ethos, so that Saraswats shall recognize, accept and carry out their common responsibility for the well-being of all those among them as may happen to be handicapped physically, mentally or educationally.
To encourage entrepreneurial skills and abilities among Saraswats by all feasible means including vocational guidance and material assistance and mutual co-operation among those already engaged in such pursuits.
To encourage and arrange the collaboration of local groups, clubs and organizations engaged in activities on behalf of any section of the community in India, such collaboration wherever possible being accompanied by financial contribution according to the ability of the collaborating units. Voluntary merger of other Saraswat Cultural Institutions can be coordinated provided they accept the constitution of AISCO.
To consolidate the Saraswat identity in terms of its historical traditions and native qualities of altruism, patriotism and public spirit; and, to that end, to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood between individual Saraswat Brahmins as well as between the several sects and groups separated by language, distance and allegiance to different Maths or centers of worship.
To generate an awareness of the impact of the Saraswat way of life on India's culture, economy and polity and to promote a lively image of Saraswats as healthy contributor to national life and advancement.
To understand the compilation of history of Saraswat Brahmins and biographies of eminent Saraswat of historical as well as modern times.
To conduct a periodical Census of all Saraswat Brahmins with a view to a meaningful analysis of their social, economic and cultural conditions and to compile a Saraswat directory and who's who and periodically bring it up to date.
To develop the concept of the Saraswat ethos, so that Saraswats shall recognize, accept and carry out their common responsibility for the well-being of all those among them as may happen to be handicapped physically, mentally or educationally.
To encourage entrepreneurial skills and abilities among Saraswats by all feasible means including vocational guidance and material assistance and mutual co-operation among those already engaged in such pursuits.
To encourage and arrange the collaboration of local groups, clubs and organizations engaged in activities on behalf of any section of the community in India, such collaboration wherever possible being accompanied by financial contribution according to the ability of the collaborating units. Voluntary merger of other Saraswat Cultural Institutions can be coordinated provided they accept the constitution of AISCO.